Darlington and Daughters’ Privacy Policy
Darlington and Daughters is a company registered in England and Wales (6255483). The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became effective from May 25 2018. Darlington and Daughters is the controller, we are responsible for your data and we are committed to respecting the privacy rights of individuals including the trade, and individual customers. We pledge to handle your data securely, lawfully, transparently and for specific use. This privacy notice will inform you as to how we look after your personal data (in all situations where we collect your data, or you provide data to us) and tell you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.
Darlington and Daughters complies fully with ensuring your personal data is protected under the GDPR guidelines. We use the information that we learn from customers to process orders, despatch goods, process payments, communicate with you about orders, products, services, promotional offers and promotional recipes and update our customer records.
Whenever you submit information to us, whether it be by using our website, through social media, by email, over the phone or in person we will collect such information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy policy.
What information do we collect?
- Your name (identity data)
- The name of your business, your address, telephone number, email address (contact data)
- Bank account and payment details (financial data) from our customers, trade and individual.
All information we store about you is held securely on our server and in accordance to GDPR guidelines.
All individual’s credit card/debit card details are sent direct to Elavon who process all payments and are GDPR compliant. We do not store any card details.
How do we use your data?
We hold your details because we believe there is a legitimate interest for us to contact you –
- To update you on your current order
- To notify you of a new product
- To notify you of a product recall
- To allow us to notify you of promotional offers
- To allow us to direct potential customers to your shop
- To provide you with new point of sale material which will help your business
If for any reason you do not wish us to contact you, you have the option to opt out of any contact from us by either phoning us on 01270 250710 or emailing sophie@mrsdarlingtons.com
How do we store and protect your data?
- Access to customer/ stockist information is limited to those who have access to the data as part of their job role.
- There are full login and password controls to all of our computer systems.
- Our internal server is backed up securely and all data is encrypted by Carbonite which supports compliance with GDPR.
How long do we hold your data for?
We only retain your personal data for as long as we need it for the legitimate purpose for which it was collected. We undertake not to retain personal data for longer than is necessary to ensure compliance with the legislation and any other statutory requirements.
- As a stockist we delete your details securely as soon as we become aware that you stop stocking our products.
Your legal rights
You have the right to request access to your data we hold on the file and we will respond, at the very latest, within one month.
As an individual, you have various rights under the legislation including a right to –
- Be told the nature of the information Darlington and Daughters holds.
- Prevent use of your data for direct marketing
If you have any concerns then you have the right to contact the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) to assess whether any provision of the Act has been contravened, however we would be grateful if you could contact us in the first instance to see if we can clarify your query.
Do we share your data?
The simple answer is No. We do not share your data with any unauthorised third parties unless there is a legitimate reason for us to do so which may affect our legal obligations.
Under no circumstances will Darlington and Daughters sell any of its databases to a third party.
We have a separate cookies policy which can be seen in full on our website.
We will take all reasonable steps to protect your personal data. Our website is hosted in the UK and all data provided to us is stored within our server located in the UK. A proportion of our business is outside the UK and we will do what we can to ensure that a similar degree of protection is afforded to personal data.